Monday, March 29, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Design 35

This landscaping is really well done you have a grass area then you have a brick area and also a gazebo. I love how it looks and I wouldn't mind having my backyard like this. Very pretty layout and the feel of summer and spring would be strong in this image.
Design 34
What catches your attention most about this book cover is the eyes of the wolf. Then you move down and notice the title of the book and then finally the castle's in the background. This design is really well done to catch the views attention by having the eyes different color from the rest of the book which has mostly dark colors. I've read the book and I think it captures what the book is about with having everything laid out the way it is.
Design 33

This image only has three colors and it's gradents used though out the design. It has eye movement going across the image then down to the bottom of the image. The design of the flowers is really nice and how they use differnet sizes of that image. Overall I really love this design.
Design 32

This has no photoshop put into it, this is a garden design someone came up with. They planned where to put everything and they planted the flowers. I picked how this works because it looks like something from a fantasy book. Never did I see anything like this before and I love how it looks like the path leads to something far more beautiful.
Design 31

This is another beatuful image with a girl this time it's in a garden with a bunch of flowers. I love this photography and the photoshop design that is put into it. I also like how winter turns into spring from where the girl is sitting. This is a really well put design and they don't have to much or too less of flowers. Overall this is a very good design and very eye catching.
Design 30
The head line and design to this image is really well made, and I like how they used chalk to show the pollutants from the sewer pipe. I think it catches people's attention because of the colors and they would wonder why there is chalk in this pieces. It gets straight to the point with the headline.
Design 29

The going green design here is really well done in the graphics. They must of spent hours on designing his poster. The floating island is well done and gives a hint to textural feel to it. I love how the person did this and it works really well. I also find that it's not to crowded and that the green stands out a lot against the background, making your eye go to the green first then the rest of the image.Design 28

The face is made up with what looks like glowing lines, it gives enough information to make out the face. I really like how the person did this design the warm color and cool color work really well with each other and having it on a black background makes it stand out even more. I find the designer did this well and if he added anymore to this then it wouldn't work as well.
design 27

I love how they did the layout of this car design, they made the background match the color's of the car with the black window's and tires matching the black dots on the ground. The flurishies in the back catches the viewer's attention.
Design 26
I find this design is really interesting and really colorfull, it catches my eye right away with how the the different colors looked like rain drops of paint running down the page. Bluring at the top then turning into the droplets looks like it's backwards because of how usually rain falls in water droplits then run down a wall but here it's backwards.
Design 25

design 24

Besides choocing this photograph because of the tiger I love how it was taken as well. The angel of the shot works well and how the face is mostly in focus while the rest of the body is out of focus captures the tiger really well.
design 23
Since I hardly ever see car's with designs like these this really caught my attention. I love how there is spiders running along the car and how the design is also on the hood since I usually just see the designs on the sides. I think this would be just as strong if the car was red but then it would be copying spiderman a bit but either way I love how this car is design.
design 22

This tattoo is done really well with how the black stands out agains the red. It works well together because of how the red is a gradent. I love the colors and it would diffently be something that people would like to have a tattoo of.
design 21
Design 20

I've always liked old fashion lettering, the people who did them took a lot of time to design these fonts. I wouldn't mind having the books bring back this type of lettering but it would take a lot of time to design things like this for books. Over this design is really nice looking and I really like it.